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Reiki Master/Teacher

Abount Me & Why I Practice Reiki

Hello beautiful souls, my name is Tresa (pronounced Tree-sa) Flanigan.

My love and commitment to my family is number one on my priority list in life. I am first and foremost a mother of four almost-grown children and wife of a very patient and loving man. 

I am a believer of God, or at least a higher power, greater than us. Angels and spirit guides and the Universal laws, such as the law of vibration and the law of attraction, and try to live by them every day, so that every person/ soul I encounter, will receive the abundance of what the Universe has to offer. 

However, I didn't always believe or live in such a high vibration of conscientiousness.  I had to reach a level of physical, mental, and emotional pain (a life of dis-ease) in which I couldn't find a cure, to show me a path of healing. 

My personal introduction into Reiki energy healing happened by chance, or as I should say, “by divine intervention”. I was literally suffering from excruciating pain from unknown allergy and food intolerance's.

Over a four-year period, I had been to multiple doctors; from General Practitioners, Dermatologists, Allergists, to doctors specializing in hormone therapy, to Natural Pathologists.  I was at a point where I was reading everything I could get my hands on, just trying to figure out “What is wrong with me”? And “How do I fix it”?

Most of the Doctors I saw told me that I was relatively healthy and to just take allergy pills.  (which didn't work).  I even had one tell me it was all in my head.  

One morning, (it was a bad morning) I was on the verge of tears, the pain and discomfort had become so intense not to mention I had edema all over my face and I had to go to work looking and feeling awful and miserable.  A co-worker took notice; how could she not notice? She new I had been to several doctors and was still suffering. I think she new I was desperate for anything that would help me, or maybe the Universe just new I was finally ready to hear about this path.  Either way, I finally heard something that I hadn't tried yet.  She suggested Energy Healing. Specifically Reiki.

I had no idea what energy healing was or what it involved.  But as I said, I  was desperate.  So I looked into it a bit, got the number of a practitioner, and booked a session that very day.

I thought, “what do I have to lose but a few bucks right?”

That was the first day of the rest of my life. As cliche as that may sound, I truly feel my life changed in a completely different direction that day.

Today, I am mostly symptom-free, completely pain-free, and off all allergy medications. But most importantly, Reiki didn’t only help me with my medical symptoms. It helped me to become more balanced in my life. It helped me change my energy levels which affected my surroundings. My home is more peaceful, my family is more loving. My overall view on life has changed immensely! The benefits of Reiki was so profound in helping me in all aspects of my life, I wanted to learn to do it for myself!  

I attended my first Reiki class in June 2019.  Little did I know, that wanting to heal myself opened the door for wanting to do for others, what it did for me.

I am now a two time Certified Reiki Master/ Teacher and Certified Crystal Reiki Master Practitioner.  I know I've just barely scratched the surface of all the benefits Reiki is capable of, which is why I am committed to continuing to share this healing modality with whoever will accept it. In the teachings of Dr Mikao Usui (founder of Reiki) he said "Reiki is love, love is balance, balance is well-being." 

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